How Much Do You Tell Your Friends About Your Sex Life?

Here at Smitten, we talk about your sex life a lot (Exhibit A, Exhibit B)! But, when you're chatting with friends, how much do you spill? Fergie recently revealed quite a bit of juicy info...

"I think women are beautiful, I've had a lot of fun with women, and I'm not ashamed of it," she reportedly said. "The problem is that I also love a well-endowed man."

Well, sister, most of us like our men that way, too! The difference is, most of us don't tell the press about it. In fact, the older I get, the less I reveal about my sex life. Are you the same way? These days, I feel weird blabbing about every little detail, like I did in high school and college, especially when it comes to long-term relationships.

My girls and I still dissect flings and hookups, and we love chatting about any particularly unusual dude behavior. Sharing these stories is part of what makes dating fun! But, once things get serious, I'm usually a little more discreet.

How much do you tell you friends about your sex life? Have you become a bit more private, or do you like discussing every nuance?

For more on sexy-time talk...