Is Having a Dog Better Than Having a Boyfriend?

By Sarah Howard,

Studies have proven that having a pooch in your life can make you happier. And yes, having a boyfriend can make you happy, too. But of the two, a relationship with a dog is much more low-maintenance and leaves you feeling nothing but love and admiration. So, we got to thinking: Is having a dog better than having a boyfriend? Here's our list of why it's a close call:

A Pup is Always Happy to See You:
You are number 1 in your dog's life and he's sure you never forget it. He'll run up to you when you walk in the door, his tail will wag when you enter the room and he's excited when you wake up in the morning. He's always by your side and follows you room-to-room. It's his way of frankly saying (in that non-dog communication kind of way), "I love you."

The Pooch Gets You Lots of Attention: Passersby, cute kids, and (most importantly) cute guys will approach to ask about your cute-as-a-button pup. Striking up a convo with a stranger is hard, but when you have dog-love as a mutual topic, words will fly. Be sure to always look great when heading to the dog park. You never know if a 101 Dalmatians moment will happen!

They're Always There to Listen: Yes, they don't talk back, but dogs can be a great comfort when you just need to get something off your chest. They'll listen as long as you need and they won't pass judgment or hold anything you said against you. It's good to have friends like this too (obviously) but sometimes they're not available and your furry friend is a great substitute.

They're Easy to Keep Happy: Throw some kibble in a dish, keep the water bowl full, make sure the pup gets outside for a good walk every now and then, and the tail will keep wagging. No working over a hot stove, worrying about how a stressful day may impact moods, or building resentment over the cleanliness of an apartment makes for a pretty peaceful relationship.

And most importantly, Dogs Love You Unconditionally: It can take years for a relationship with a fella to grow to this kind of love. With a dog, it's almost instantaneous. Give them a pat on the head and they'll love you forever. And it's that fabulous no-strings-attached love. Oh, and they'll never complain about spooning.

Click here for a list of places you can find a dog to adopt.


Life2PointOh is a 20-something blog with the focus on conquering the Quarter Life with tips and tricks in entertaining, relationships, career, style and more.

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Photo Credit: soundfromwayout via Flickr