Is Heartbreak Harder on Men or Women? Finally an Answer!

We can't exactly imagine a guy sitting around with his buddies, eating Ben and Jerry's and venting about his girlfriend drama. Nor can we see him journaling, singing along to Rihanna's "Take a Bow," or Netflixing sappy movies anytime his relationship is on the rocks. But researchers have discovered that heartbreak actually affects guys more than us, and breakups hit them harder too.

Wake Forest University professor Robin Simon studied 1,000 single adults and concluded that a man's mental health takes a beating when he has issues with his significant other. An interesting explanation of why that might happen: When men are going through an emotional rough spot, they often turn to their girlfriend, not their bros. And when things aren't going so well with the GF, he might feel like he has no one to open up to. Also, guys are conditioned to keep emotions bottled up, which can end up making them feel worse and more hopeless.

While we certainly rely on close friends to help us through the rough patches, there are a few ways we take control of emotions ourselves. Maybe the men could give one or two a shot...

  • Give Ourselves a Confidence Boost: We immediately hit the salon for a fresh, flirty new hairstyle. Out with the old (dead ends, deadweight dude), in with the new (flirty fringe, flirting freedom).

How do you deal with a broken heart? Any awful breakup stories you want to vent about?

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