Ladies, It's OK To Fake Your Orgasms...Sometimes

Ladies, 60 percent of us are liars. As in, we're liars in the bedroom.

It doesn't come as much of a surprise to hear recent findings that 60 percent of women fake orgasms. Nor is it really shocking to hear the reasons why. We're tired. Our guy is trying hard, so we want him to feel good. We just want sex to be over.

Again, no surprises there. But some men - one blogger in particular - are speaking out against the fake orgasm, claiming (as Jezebel puts it), "ladies faking orgasms perpetuates the idea that sex is for men and that their pleasure doesn't matter." Essentially, the blogger, Yashar Ali, believes that by faking our sexual climax, we're boosting the already-inflated male ego.

Fittingly, the title of the post in question is, "He doesn't deserve your validation." He goes on to say, "The fake orgasm is just another moment in which a woman sacrifices for a man without receiving anything in return and worse, it leaves them feeling sexually unfulfilled."

Interesting point, Mr. Blogger.

Are we just tools for the male orgasm? We'd like to think not. But in reality, faking it is a woman's choice to make. In an ideal world, two sexual partners would reach their climax at the same time, fall into a heavy, sweaty heap onto the bed, and cuddle until the sun rises or they're ready for round two.

But life isn't a movie or a romance novel. In most situations, men work hard to help a woman reach her climax. So, is it so wrong to fake an "oh!" face when we're ready to call it a night? We're hurting ourselves just as much as we're hurting the man (hey, women need to climax, too!) It might be worse to say, "Alright partner, thanks for the effort, but I don't see it happening. No orgasm for me tonight." Men don't need to be coddled, but they don't need to be defeated, either.

Do you think faking it is a bad idea? How often do you fake your climax?

Written by Kait Smith for YourTango.

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