Making Friends with Valentine's Day

Lots of single women dread Valentine's Day. I would like to change that.
For too many single women, Valentine's Day is a loud reminder that they have no man (or woman, in some cases) to love. It's a loud reminder of their sad, lonely lives…even though most days their lives are not very sad and not that lonely. On Valentine's Day it is. And the lead-up to it is fraught with anxiety because "whatever will she do" on this day when couples all over the country are celebrating? (Even though that isn't really happening).
When I was a kid, I loved Valentine's Day. I got such a kick out of giving out Valentine's Day cards with big red hearts to all the people who made me happy. I gave them to my parents, my teachers, favorite classmates, my playmates, even the mailman. Back then Valentine's Day was fun, and it was an excuse to tell the people who make you happy how much they mean to you. Romance had nothing to do with it. I was 10.
Since I started my blog -The Spinsterlicious Life-I've received lots of emails from single women expressing angst about Valentine's Day. It seems to be even more anxiety -provoking than New Year's Eve. We need to change that. Read more...