Man has orgasm during airport pat-down: real or fake?

Imagine the worst thing that could happen in this situation. It happened. (via
Imagine the worst thing that could happen in this situation. It happened. (via

A story is circulating on the internet about a 47-year old guy with an alleged history of, er, control issues, who got a little too excited by an airport frisk. Word is the multiple piercings in his wang-doodle set off alarm bells. While the TSA agent carefully felt around for potential national security threats, he was subjected to a surprise. For the first time ever, "this never happens" became a valid excuse.

But wait, as if it wasn't bad enough for all parties involved, the shamed ejaculater was reportedly hauled off to jail for sexually assaulting a federal agent. Wait for it... so much for a happy ending. (Throw tomatoes, I beg you.)

As much as I want to believe this story is true, because I'm a 6th grader, it's likely a hoax. The source seems to be a satire site called Dead Serious News. Also the subject in question bares the surname: Cummings. Sadly, it looks like this orgasm is a fake. Cue deflating cartoon sound effect in your mind.

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