How to Get Through March Madness Without Killing Your Guy or Losing Your Mind

By Mary Schwager,

March Madness
March Madness

First, let's just admit it: Some of us gals are happy when baseball season is over. Happy when football season is over. Happy when our significant other is not parked in front of the TV for hours, yelling at it-- acting like the coaches can actually hear him-- and could not care less if a bomb dropped outside the house if his favorite team is about to score. So after the Super Bowl frenzy ends and before baseball starts, there's a nice little reprieve… until, sigh, March Madness rolls in. It seems like you're the one who just can't WIN.

Okay, let's look at this as the beer glass, half full rather than empty. We found a relationship expert who has tips on how you can actually SCORE points with your guy as he turns into an obsessed teenager over basketball and brackets from noon to midnight. Barbie Adler, President of the national matchmaking firm Selective Search says here's some ways to help you save your sanity:

  • If you can't beat 'em…join him. Why fight it….get into the games with him! Get educated and prep for the games you watch with him by heading to - it will be more fun when you know the dynamics between the teams or at least the names of a few cute players! Your man will be impressed and know that you can hang with the boys.

Related: The 5 Things You Should Never Say to a Man

  • Put on your happy face. Silence your rants and raves, your eye rolling and your nagging remarks. Ladies, if you are dating a man... his love of sports may be part of the package deal. So just deal with it and quit complaining. You will go further with him if you support his passions rather than ripping on him for it. This way when you want him to watch one of your shows such as "The Bachelor," he will show you the same respect.

  • Fill out your own brackets. Enlist your female friends and fill out brackets of your own. This way even if you don't watch every game, you can still follow the games and have something fun to razz him about-- especially if your picks beat his. Hey, beginners luck works in Vegas!

  • Make a bet with him. Why not make a small non monetary wager with him to add a little juice to the game? If the team you want to win-wins guess who is going to accompany you to a chick flick in April!

  • Help him prep his man-cave. Want to earn coolest girlfriend of the month? Help him get his man cave ready for major TV time. Rearrange the furniture for maximum comfort, stock up on his favorite snacks and beverages! Allow him to invite over a few buddies and play hostess to them-- homemade pigs in the blanket anyone? Would you like more hot wings? His buddies will be in awe and you will be in a league of your own. Have fun showing off just how awesome you are!

Do you have tips on how to survive March madness? Leave your comments below!

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