'One-Handed Condom' Could Help Moms Have a Lot More Sex After Kids

One-handed condom wrapper
One-handed condom wrapper

If I didn't have "quickies," I'd probably never have sex. I hate to say it, but that's what happens when you have four kids. Or for some people, any kids.

So when I saw this condom that you can open with one hand, I thought it was the perfect invention for busy parents like me who are trying to have good sex after having kids.

Originally designed with people with disabilities in mind, the one-handed condom wrapper is actually pretty genius for parents too. Considering we're already so rushed in trying to "squeeze one in," even simple things like being able to pop a condom out of the wrapper with one hand is quite helpful. With the perforation in the middle of the packet, all it takes is a quick flip of your wrist and you're ready to go.

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And if you're anything like me, in the time it takes you (or your partner or spouse) to rip open a condom wrapper with your teeth like a rabid dog tearing through a bag of Skittles (what? only me?), babies can wake up, kids can crawl out of bed, and the moment is lost. And trying to find it again, especially if you've got to nurse the baby or rock the kids back to sleep, can take longer than you might have to spare.

So here's hoping the one-handed condom hits the market soon. For those of us parents who are trying to get our mojo back in the bedroom, we'll take all the extra help we can get.

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How do you sneak in sex without being interrupted by the kids?

Written by Kristen Chase on CafeMom's blog, The Stir.

Image via BenPawle.co.uk

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