Picture of the Week: Katy Perry is hot, hellfire hot


Last week there was much ado about a church sign put up in Ohio that played on a line from Katy Perry's hit song and read "I kissed a girl / and I liked it / then I went to heck." It got taken down within 24 hours, but apparently that had less to do with the bad national publicity and more to do with local outraged churchgoers who didn't catch the pop culture reference and were just appalled at the mere mention of gay issues in public. ("What? It's on a sign? That's just free advertising for the queers!") The line was almost funny, because it's clever and snarky -- what you'd expect from Gawker, not an Evangelical church. But it's not funny because the people behind it still believe in their hearts that lesbians in loving committed relationships (never mind experimental college students) will burn for all eternity in the firey pits of heck because they were born gay (or even just because their lips momentarily brushed up against another girl's...the horror, the horror!). We could understand a church reviling the likes of that Internet porn (if you can call it that) phenomenon 2 Girls, 1 Cup (if you somehow don't know what that is, do yourself a favor and don't look it up) -- now that surely is a sign of the Apocalypse (and by the way, it had nothing to do with being gay). But a fun pop song about fairly innocent, youthful, sensual experimentation? Brothers and sisters, please. Besides, lesbians are usually the kind of people who fight for peace and women's equality and decent vegetarian food -- they make the world a better place. And they're probably the ones who make the most comfortable shoes in heaven, too.

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