Porn and gadgets: Do you love your iPhone or do you love your iPhone!?

Despite writing about sex for a living, the two of us aren't big porn fans. No, this video from is just about our speed: it's got humor, no nudity, and something we can relate to. (Neither of us own iPhones...yet!)

[Video: Do women enjoy porn?]

Just as with a porn addiction, in which the consumer is increasingly dependent on the very latest in prurient material but never fully sated, so too do we techno geeks and gadget w----s and "early adopters" become exponentially reliant on the newest, brightest, shiniest toys to supposedly make our lives more efficient and to convey a certain financial and/or in-the-know status, with constant upgrades compelling us to buy more and more crap. It's truly obscene. And yet, like sex, even some porno sex, there's beauty there, too. Come on, the iPhone is hot!

Well, this video brings these two worlds together. And you just know there are a few people out there who really truly get sexually turned while on watching it. First there were shoe fetishists, then latex fetishists, now we have Apple fetishists.

Check out Glamour's 101 ways to have the best sex of your life!