Sex For Sale. Negotiated Infidelity. How irrational is this, really?

This concept most likely sparks severe reactions. The idea of someone selling their body seems highly immoral and full of sin. But how unusual is this, really? Girlfriends and wives enjoy flowers and gifts, dinners and vacations from their men. They have sex in return, correct? ("Wine me dine, 69 me" may come to mind.) A New York Housewife enjoys a lucrative bank account without working outside of the home. She works inside the home and ensures a comfortable and well fed husband, correct? He's paying her, isn't he? I can remember my grandmother recieving a weekly "allowance" from my grandfather. She would ask him every Friday if he was going to pay her.

And he did.

In the novel

Sugarbabe: The Controversial Real Story of a Woman in Search of a Sugar Daddy,author Holly Hill explores this concept fully. I have only just begun to read her story and already I find myself completely enveloped in her reasoning and justification. To me, it sounds…right. She sets out to find the perfect non-relationship and at the end of her story will explain the concept of open relationships and how they may benefit a committed relationship.I stumbled upon her story on Facebook. Posted on my feed was this story, "Sugarbabe" Author Holly Hill Talks Negotiated Infidelity: Relationship Advice from a Mistress?. Although understandably controversial and seemingly outrageous, the article is definitely intriguing and worth the read. Having played both sides of the cheating game, I have to be honest and say there is probably a lot to be said for open relationships. (I know, this discredits ALL of my Catholic beliefs and makes me a complete hypocrite, if not a---- . It discounts all of the rants I've written about cheating and cheaters. I know, I know.) But don't get me wrong, there is A LOTto be said for communication in a relationship and staying faithful to each other. I am not taking sides, one way or the other. I am merely toying with the concept in my head.

Allow me to throw some ideas your way.

The movie Hall Pass? You may have seen it. It is the story of two wives giving their husbands a week away from marriage. They leave town for one week and allow their husbands to do as they please- have sex with women of their choosing, party, drink, etc. They willingly allow their husbands the opportunity to get all of their kicks out of their system. The movie was incredibly funny and full of lessons at the end. But how many people saw the movie and thought, "hmmm…maybe I should consider this is my marriage?" I'd love to see the honest responses to that question.

Another concept: Threesomes. I would dare a man to say he'd be opposed to a threesome in his relationship, even just once. In a successful threesome (successful being completely relative and dependent upon each person's point of view), there are no rules. Each person is allowed to do as they wish or are comfortable allowing. In a 2 female/1 male threesome, let's say the male is allowed to have sex with both women, one of them NOT his significant other. (Again, successful if relative. Perhaps there is no sex with the other party and everything else is free game.) His significant other is completely tolerable of the idea and welcomes all form of sexual freedom. This is not cheating, correct? This is negotiated infidelity.

Not too far-fetched, now, is it?

Like I said, I have only just begun her novel. By the end of it I may be throwing in the towel and denouncing all that I have just said and write the worst review of her written accounts. So far, though, I am intrigued and terribly curious about her experience. I wonder how she is able to maintain her non-relationships without them blowing up in her face. I wonder how she justifies her affairs with married men and I wonder how she relates it all to her committed relationship post Sugar Daddy.

I will most definitely follow up at the end of the book. Until then, I'd love to hear your thoughts on all of this.