SEX NEWS ROUNDUP: Coed dorms, a family friendly sex club and more!

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Sex news you can (possibly) use:

  • Coed dorms Baby Boomer parents may be skeptical about colleges allowing the sexes to cohabitate, but much like teen rebels, schools are doing it anyway: "At least two dozen schools, including Brown University, the University of Pennsylvania, Oberlin College, Clark University and the California Institute of Technology, allow some or all students to share a room with anyone they choose - including someone of the opposite sex. This spring, as students sign up for next year's room, more schools are following suit, including Stanford University."-Reformer

  • Boob pudding Bloggers are tittering (and likely Twittering) about a racy new Japanese treat they've dubbed Boob Pudding. Have a look and see for yourself, but it's a NSFW dessert best served after hours...-Fashion Funky

  • Bring the kids on down to the sex club! San Francisco's Power Exchange bills itself as a family-run adult sexual play space for all preferences and exotic sensibilities. "We're not sure how we'd feel about running a sex club with our family members - but that's mostly because we're not sure how we'd feel about being in a sex club with family members, period (hey, what if we wanted to get in on the sex?). But we are for sex clubs being viewed as, if not family-friendly, at least something other than… family kryptonite."-Boinkology

  • Sexy new Absolut ad Shine readers had a lot to say about overtly sexual advertising bans, but here's one sexy, hilarious ad campaign we can kind of get behind. Men in drag + Absolut Vodka = martini time!