Sexual science: 10 reasons to get it on asap

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Not that you needed any confirmation on this, but in case you wanted to fire off a list of scientifically proven excuses to get laid and reasons why sex is really, really good for you, here ya go:

1. It makes you thinner
Sex burns 300 calories an hour, and uses every muscle group in the body, giving the heart and lungs one mother of a aerobic work-out. Maintaining a healthy weight also helps prevent diabetes.

2. Sex boosts heart health
According to a Queen's University in Belfast study, a good session at least three times a week boosts the heart, halving the risk of a heart attack or stroke. The increased blood circulation also helps keep down blood pressure.

3. It prevents colds
Several recent studies claim that sex twice a week is an unexpected cold cure E as it boosts IgA - the immune system's first line of defense against the common cold and flu.

4. It's a natural anti-depressant
Moments before orgasm, levels of the delicious feel good hormone oxytocin surge and flood the body with powerful, ecstasy-inducing endorphins. These natch painkillers help ease every day aches and pains such as arthritis and migraines.

5. Sex is a PMS reliever

Researchers at Yale School of Medicine claim it could also help prevent endometriosis-a terribly painful yet common condition where the tissue which should line the womb grows in other parts of the pelvis.

6. It's fabulous for your skin
According to UK health organization NHS Direct, "if you are worried about wrinkles - orgasms even help prevent frown lines deepening." Plus there's nothing like that post-coital milkmaid glow.

7. It prevents osteoporosis

Apart from the benefits of the work-out, sex boosts the production of testosterone, the hormone that's associated with both pro-wrestling and the stronger bones and muscles that can help fend off osteoporosis.

8. It relieves stress

Doing it means we feel less stressed as it inhibits production of the hormone cortisol. And I think we've all seen those damn commercials telling us what cortisol does to our waistlines...

9. Sex can actually help you live longer

According to NHS Direct, the endorphins released during orgasm stimulate immune system cells, which helps combat illnesses and increase overall longevity.

10. It's an insomnia cure

Oyster crackers may be the new Ambien, but NHS Direct also claims that because sex is such a powerful "drug," many people with sleep problems swear by a little pre-sleep action for more restful shut eye. Plus there's nothing like snuggling up with your partner at night, as opposed to say, a Real Doll.

Need a little help getting in the mood for love? My friend Chad just sent me a link to the most hilarious groove tune ever. Hint: It involves some very sexy mashed potatoes.