Sexual Turn Offs For Women


Ladies, what are your biggest deal breakers in the bedroom? We have a few and we'd like your thoughts!

Pulling the woman's head to your penis: Men, unless the woman is voluntarily traveling to your southern region to give you oral sex, don't assume that you pulling her head to your penis is going to grant you one. Not too many women are open to oral sex the first time so don't push it.

When a man puts his penis on my face so I can take the hint and give him oral sex I seriously want to slap it away from me. It's rude and I don't care to see his penis right on my face the first time. I don't put my vagina in your face and road block you until you give in so don't do it to me. - Stephanie


Going in without a condom: Condoms might be uncomfortable but we all know they protect from cooties and pregnancies so please wear one. There are a variety of condoms out there (new ones even come with a vibrating ring!) so there is no excuse- being responsible is sexy! A woman shouldn't have to ask you to put one on. Not only is it an indicator of your ignorance to the risk factors of unprotected sex but it also makes the woman wonder just how many times you've put it inside without a condom.