Surprising ways to bond with your partner (that don't involve mud wrestling)

Maybe mud wrestling or nude volleyball is a tad extreme (or depending on what kind of couple you are, the answer to all your problems!?), but life being as stressful as it is, blah, blah, blah, it helps to remember that relationships take as much work as everything else in your life. And if you're a hopeless romantic like me, you'll agree that it's worth it to put a little time and effort into keeping your ties with your loved one strong, right? Suuurrree...

Clean house together
No, really. A new study may say that married women have more housework than singles (and it even goes so far as to suggest this is the husband's fault!). Ouch. But instead of taking this information and seething, you can turn lemons into well, Pledge!? and devote a weekend or even an evening to clean together. Play your favorite music and make a date out of it. Not only do you feel you're both pitching in an equal amount of work, the bonus is you get clean digs at the end of it.

Form a book club of two
If you really, absolutely, truly don't have time to read, then make time. Okay, okay, you could both pick a TV show to watch together. But keep in mind, a book provides the nuance of imagination, and therefore a lively discussion of your individual interpretations allows you to get to know each other better, whereas a TV show is usually pretty transparent. But you know, whatever floats your boat.

Make a fitness date

If the couple that plays together stays together, turn play time into an exercise routine that raises your endorphins and makes you both feel good about yourselves and each other. Find the gym too snoozy? Awhile back, we suggested tandem biking--there are sleek new models (bikes, not chicks) for sale that are both fun and provide a kickin' workout. And as cheesy as you might feel astride a bicycle built for two, you'll probably laugh your ass off no matter what.

Start a new project
Been meaning to re-tile the bathroom? Have thank you cards to send out? Approaching a procrastination-inducing task together makes it less intimidating, plus you can divide and conquer. And think about it: Making decisions and compromises about a more neutral situation--such as, what color to paint the living room--is great couples therapy practice for when the more serious judgment calls need to be made.

Get out of here already

It sounds so captain obvious, but no weekend ever seems to be the right one. Here's a tip: Go online, book some inexpensive last minute travel, and drop everything else to go enjoy some sweet, sweet time together. Check out our Last Minute Romantic Getaway Guide for more tips on how to get on this asap.