The most sexist ad ever created?

Tab, the soft drink that helped define and launch a billion-dollar
industry, hit shelves in 1963. It was aimed at women who - duh -
wanted to enjoy sugary drinks but without all the unsightly weight
gain that accompanied them.

As such, Tab's ads targeted aspiring "beautiful people," promising
that the Tab-drinker will become a "mind-sticker." What's a
mind-sticker, you ask? According to this ad from decades past, a
mind-sticker is a woman who, because of her comely figure, tops her
man's thoughts throughout the day. Naturally, Tab will get you that
"shape he can't forget." The commercial seems almost religious (cults
are religions too, right?) with its '70s-style suburban-church-Muzak
tunes and airy, angelic singer cooing, "Don't you want to have a good
shape? He wants you to have a good shape." We kid you not.

Take a look at the full ad here.

Have a more offensive ad? Send it to us at wowOwow.
