The 'one-year itch'? What's really going on?

By GalTimer Shannon Rogers

Everyone has heard of the seven year itch, including myself, so why does it seem mine is coming MUCH sooner? I have been with my wonderful man for only eleven and a half months, though.

He is perfect, everything I could have asked for in a man, and he says I am all he could wish for as well, but lately we are not "meshing" well. We love each other, and we used to have so much fun together. It never mattered what we were doing, as long as we were together.

Lately, however, nothing we do seems fun enough; we barely have anything to talk about; we argue a lot; and we are having much less intimacy. Don't get me wrong, we still have great sex (when we have it) and we do have fun (when we're with others) but alone we can't seem to get it right anymore. Nothing changed until the bitter winter, when we didn't have anywhere to go or anything to do.

Also See: Does fighting a lot mean we're sick of each other?

We began arguing because we were with each other 24/7. (Most married couples don't see each other as much as we did!) And I believe that's where our problem started. But now that we aren't smothering each other anymore, how can we regain that spark?

Also See: 5 Signs He Doesn't Love You

Anyone else have a similar issue? Anyone who has dealt with the seven-year-itch care to shed some light on how do deal with my "premature itching?"

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