The Pick-Up Artist: When to Laugh and What to Avoid

When I read this article on Telegraph, I had to laugh. And take a few notes.

Mystery from VH1's The Pick Up Artist. Did you watch? I had a love/hate relationship with the show.

The story examines the rise-and I'd argue fall-of the Pick-Up Artist (PUA) in the last few years. And also warns shares with readers what to be on the lookout when dealing with one of these characters.

Related: The truth about ALL guys: they're nerds. And we love 'em that way!

*Does he go by a nickname? Telegraph points to popular PUA monikers like Mystery, Style and Gunwitch.

*Clothes make the man. Especially when it's some flashy, florescent nonsense with a dragon silk-screened on the front. This is called "peacocking."

*Weird lingo. To keep his operations on the DL, a PUA will often speak in code. A few fun ones the article lists: "'Closing' means to seal the deal; there are various levels, including NC, or Number Close, where you get her phone number, KC, or Kiss Close, where you kiss her, and of course FC."

*Getting tricky…with your mind. A PUA has a unique set of weapons in his arsenal, including the "neg," or negative, backhanded compliment, such as "Nice hair. Is it natural?"

Related: Flip it on the Pick Up Artist; get him to talk to you without saying a word.

Perhaps I'm just being too harsh. I get that some guys are super awkward around women. But, really, wouldn't you prefer a guy's actual personality rather than a trumped up one like Pick-Up Artists model themselves after? Bumbling, shy geeks are endearing and adorable. Men who put on shows and pretend to be someone else? Not so much.

Has a Pick-Up Artist ever spit game at you? Did it work? Have you tried any of the Pick-Up Artist techniques on a guy? If you could give a shy guy who felt the need to practice Pick-Up Artistry one tip to make him feel more comfortable around women, what would it be?