Twitter Marriage Proposal Goes Viral, Appropriately

Los Angeles resident Curt Buthman made social media history Tuesday night by sending this tweet along with a Vine video to his girlfriend, Marsha Collier, during a popular Twitter chat about customer service (#custserv). "I love you! #WillYouMarryMe
"I planned on doing [the engagement] during the chat awhile ago," Buthman told YAHOO! . "But then, I was on my way home from the gym yesterday and thought that a Vine video might work, too."

Collier, who was moderating the customer service chat at the time, said she saw his tweet, watched the Vine video of Buthman proposing with her mother's ring and "was blown away."

"I've been doing these #custserv chats since 2009, then in the last 15 minutes his tweet came up. My first thought was to RT him, which I did, and then I responded yes," she gushed. "I'm so excited!"

After Collier responded yes, she received several tweets of congratulations from other people with #WillYouMarryMe and #Love. Buthman and Collier both initially met via Twitter and then physically met at a Blogworld conference in 2010. After several visitations and SKYPE dates, the two decided to make it official and Buthman moved from North Carolina to California in 2011.

"With social media, you get to know more about the person," Collier said in response to being questioned about the validity of meeting that special someone online. "People used to write letters to each other. This is kind of the same thing, but it's more immediate. The whole key to it is transparency. It's a great way to meet people."