Where the Wildflowers Grow

Wildflowers bloomed at the foot of the path,
as they passed from the sunlight to shade.
the forest much cooler than the sunlight so humid,
trees arching down like a maze.

Hand in hand climbing the hillside,
winding through meadows and creeks.
two beating hearts with love on their minds,
eager to see where love leads.

The whole world is now bowed before them,
her hair gently blows in the wind.
his hands wrap around her the kiss is astounding,
loudly the thunder begins.

No ones around them for a mile maybe two,
as kisses and blue eyes engage.
she feels every droplet and knows that she's wet,
still from his touch no escape.

soaked to the skin still yet burning,
naked and numb to the rain.
taken to new heights with each muffled sigh,
lost in the field where they lay.

Passion soaked slick and so sexy,
letting go feeling alive.
and the wildflowers bloom at the foot of the path,
and they wearing nothing but a smile.