Why Men Cheat

I watched Sandra Bullocks interview with Barbara Walters. I heard her acceptance speech and saw her teary husband sitting proudly in the audience, and I thought to myself. "What a lucky gal, finally finding a man to complete her after forty".

My stomach twisted when I heard the news of her husbands' infidelity. I felt her pain, humiliation and dismay. In my head I heard her acceptance speech dedicated to her husband and then I saw the other woman.

Why men cheat? This has been debated over and over for centuries, yet no one has just came out and said it that some men do because they want to. Because it boosts their ego, and makes them feel good. I stumbled on an article by a guy who actually says exactly that. I "get it", I understand why men cheat, and no, I don't condone it but I'm not surprised by it. What I'm surprised by is everyone's reaction to the infidelity.

What makes Sandra Bullocks discovery of her husbands infidelity worse than that of a regular woman? I'll tell you: it's in the public! And if that is not bad enough she just put him on a pedestal and announced to the world that he is her hero, and now to find this out is simply devastating. She is probably sitting and thinking how could she not know? Why would he do that, and what didn't she give him that he needed? Sandra should read this article, Why Men Cheat

I know I will get tons of messages telling me that not all men cheat, I KNOW, but many do, and many women do too. And for those of you who say "not my man or woman"?is that reality or just hope?

Now, why do women cheat? And why is it, that it's rarely publically discussed? Is it because women mostly cheat for different reasons? Whether they are looking for something that they are currently lacking in their relationship, or going through a phase where they need to know that they are still desired by other men. Or is it simply because most women don't discuss cheating quite as openly as men do? Did you know that according to article by Emily Jackson, "Donor Anonymity and Rights", "A significant proportion of the population, perhaps as many as 10 per cent, are in fact biologically unrelated to their presumed fathers."That's 1 out of 10 kids' ladies. WOW, why are we not talking about that?

Maybe along with sex education classes in High School, and college psychology courses, we should introduce that notion that infidelity is reality rather than merely isolated incidences. That not all men or women have the will power, discipline and desire to stay faithful. Call it a "condition," compare it to OCD or habitual lying, or what ever pleases you but let us acknowledge it? not make a circus out of it .