Why Online Dating Pick Up Lines Will Ruin Your Dating Life

Do Pick Up LInes Work?
Do Pick Up LInes Work?

Browse the Internet for effective online dating pick up lines and you will likely find yourself in dire straights. The reality of the situation is, online dating pick up lines don't work. Period.

First there are the awful pick up lines that are lame, creepy, and just plain bad:

"I don't bite. I promise. Unless you want me too."

"I'm sure a lot of creepy guys have messaged you. What's going on?"

"I give great email. What's are you up to?"

Then there are the typical online dating pick up lines that aren't quite as brutal, but never stand a chance:

"You seem really interesting and we have a ton in common. We should talk. What's up?"

"You are absolutely adorable. What's going on?"

"Hey there, I'm just a nice guy looking for a nice girl. I think me and you would be a perfect match for each other."

Finally, there are online dating pick up lines that may actually be funny, but at the end of the day, they still come across as nothing more than just "a line."

The truth of the matter is, there is no such thing as a "magic online dating pick up line" that will guarantee results. They don't work because they come across as spam. No matter how clever, funny, or interesting the pick up line is, women will assume that the exact same message has been sent out to hundreds of women. When women feel as if they are being spammed, they will assume we have no true interest in them.

Females want to feel as if they are being uniquely targeted for reasons that make them special, not as if they are just random targets being spammed. But perhaps even worse, sending out the same online dating pick up lines to multiple women will create the illusion we are desperate as well. We will appear to be men who are not selective, but rather, will respond to the first woman who bites.

If we don't want women to delete our emails, we need to ditch the online dating pick up lines and gravitate more in the direction of unique content.

This doesn't mean we can't use the same joke in multiple emails. If you have a joke or comment that you know will attract the attention of a woman, by all means, use it! What it does mean is that this cannot be the only part of our email. We need to also write something that shows we have read the woman's profile, and make her feel as if we are specifically targeting her. The question could be very basic, but she be easy to respond to.

At the end of the day, we need to be interesting above all to get women to respond. But we have to accomplish three main goals with our emails:

1. Make them feel special.

2. Be interesting

3. Keep it short and easy to respond to. If we hit on this tri-fecta, and our profiles and photo galleries are put together well, we should be on our way to success.

Need emailing material right now? World recognized online dating expert Joshua Pompey has helped men to succeed with online dating at a success rate of over 99% in countries all over the world. The REAL Online Game Routines Manual is filled with over 150 pages of the best online dating routines in the world, so that you will never struggle with what to say to women online again. Or Click here to download any of The REAL Online Game Dating Guides within minutes. Filled with over 700 pages of life-changing information, we have everything you will ever need to find success with online dating. Guaranteed.