Why Sexy Dance Moves Matter

By Sarah Wexler, Allure magazine

When you bring a guy you're dating to a wedding, you never know if he'll hit the dance floor like Usher...or do the spastic "Elaine dance" from Seinfeld. Personally, I don't mind bad dancing as long as it's enthusiastic, which is always preferable to a guy who flat-out refuses to take a go-and leaves you to jokingly slow-dance with a lonely bridesmaid.

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Well, psychologists at the University of Northumbria (U.K.) actually thought to study the subject and men on the dance floor, and say that a guy's moves, or lack thereof, "may send out more subtle clues about his potential as a mate." They've also determined exactly what makes a guy's moves sexy (a variety of poses that involve tilting and twisting the torso and neck) or not sexy (repetitive motions restricted to just the arms and legs.

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Check out the difference in their 30-second video). However, this doesn't factor in how totally hot it is when a guy does the robot.


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