Why this man is only interested in a one-night stand

A new UK study claims a large square jaw, large nose and small eyes convey to a woman that a man is merely one-night stand material, whereas less traditionally "masculine" features seemed to connote more long-term mate potential.

According to an article that recently appeared via the Canadian Broadcasting Centre News, "Researchers from Durham, St. Andrews and Aberdeen universities conducted two studies asking more than 700 heterosexual participants to judge facial photos for attractiveness and attitudes toward sex. The photos, all of real people in their 20s, were manipulated to reflect strong features associated with sexual openness or commitment." The surprising results are published in the latest edition of the scholarly journal, Evolution and Human Behavior.

And here's another shocker: "The study also found that men and women are looking for opposite things when it comes to relationships, with men seeking women who are open to casual or short-term flings while women look for potential mates."

Eh, did they really need a study to tell us that!?