Take Care of Yourself to Take Care of Your Family

By Carmen Staicer - Chief Mom at DietsInReview.com

Women are historically the caregivers in a family. Most often the ones who take care of the children, the house, the job, and often we end up sacrificing ourselves in the process. After all, it can be difficult to try to fit each and every thing into your schedule, and most often the needs of the mother end up falling to the wayside. It's an understandable phenomenon, but that's no reason to give up and lose yourself.

Sometimes, though, we feel guilty to put ourselves first, as if we are selfish or neglecting our families when we spend time and energy on our healthy living. But the feelings of guilt, resentment and anger - those feelings that come up when you have to sacrifice yourself and your needs - those feelings cause our stress hormones to shoot higher and higher and cause health problems.

Getting into better physical shape, losing weight and taking care of yourself are all goals that many of us have set in our lives at one time or another. Aside from the real positive visual changes that a healthier lifestyle can bring to your life, there are mental changes that occur, changes that can have a lasting affect on you. Reducing those stress hormones that affect you negatively teaches your children to put themselves first and helps to break the generations old cycle of martyrdom.

If you've ever flown, you know the drill that comes from the flight attendant: put on your own mask before helping your child. In much the same way, take care of yourself before taking care of your child. It will be much easier and more fulfilling.

So, how does one take care of themselves, exactly? It's a fairly commonsense approach, but one that often bears repeating.

  • Eat a balanced diet, with plenty of protein, fresh veggies and fruits. Avoid snacks and highly processed foods.

  • Drink water. More than just a thirst quencher, water helps keep your entire system running at an optimal level. It keeps fatigue in check, digestion moving along, and nothing helps you look younger than well-hydrated skin.

  • Probably more than any other member of the family, you aren't sleeping enough. Turn off the TV, step away from the computer, and go to bed at a reasonable time. The laundry will still be there tomorrow, and you will be in a better place to deal with the issues that arise during your day if you are well rested.

  • Spend some time daily in exercise. The endorphins that appear when you exercise have long lasting benefits and pretty soon, you will find yourself craving exercise!

  • Be kind to yourself. Don't beat yourself up with negative self-talk; instead, be your own best friend.

  • Do something for fun every day. For me, that would be my exercise, but find something that you enjoy doing and make time for it and yourself every day. Whether it's gardening, reading, cooking or swimming, just do something for you.

Remember, you are not on the earth to sacrifice to your family, but to enjoy and live your own life fully. Taking the time to really allow yourself to fully experience life will lead to a better life in all areas.

Learn more about being a healthy mom!

Three Reasons Why it's Important to be a Healthy Mom

Diet Tips for a Busy Mom

Healthy Breakfast Ideas for an On-the-Go Lifestyle

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