Start living your life with passion (and stop doing the things that drain you)

Not the bodice-ripping kind of passion (though, hey, if that's what your life needs, that's what it needs). Today we're talking about the kind of passion that makes you feel alive, and like your life has purpose. It's the sensation that comes when you feel like you're caught up in the current of life: You're energized and happy. You feel like all synapses are firing. What are you most passionate about? And how can you make room in your life for more of that feeling? We've got a few ideas, so read on.

The three passion point questions

Grab your journal, boot up your blog, or chime in in the comments to answer these questions.

  1. What are you deeply passionate about? e.g., What makes you lose all sense of time? What are you drawn to again and again? What do you think about when you're lost in thought?

  2. What comes to you naturally? So many of us take for granted our own talents because they come easily. We don't think a skill is worth its salt unless it's something we have to work at. Wrong! What are the things that you are easy as pie for you?

  3. What can you make a living at? It can feel indulgent asking this question given how many people are struggling to find any kind of job. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to imagine for yourself the work that would make you most fulfilled. So put aside those nagging feelings and imagine a world in which the best things are possible. Can your blog join an advertising network? Can you sell your homemade creations on Etsy? It might not make you a millionaire, but don't be afraid to think small. Even making a little bit of money can be incredibly validating for your passion.

Making space for passion
Once you know what you're most passionate about, you'll need room in your life for it to take root and thrive. It's kind of like that rule of thumb for keeping your house organized: one thing in, one thing out. So instead of creating a to do list to tackle your passions, how about making the anti to do list? What are you doing to stop doing? Think of each obligation that's taking up significant time in your life and apply the questions above. Are you passionate about it? Does it come naturally to you? Can you make a living at it? If the answer to each question is no, then it's time to let it go.

Tell us in the comments about your passions. What are you going to stop doing to make room for those passions

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