5 Things Your Kindergartener Will Remember from the First Year of School

What will your kids remember from kindergarten?
What will your kids remember from kindergarten?

Whenever I meet parents who have a child in kindergarten, I always say the same thing: That first year of school is pure magic.

Sure, the ups and downs over the course of that school year -- any school year -- are many. Kindergarten brings tough and emotional days as kids (and their parents) learn to adjust to school life and adopt new social and life skills. They hate writing. They love writing. They want to love writing by oh holy cow it hurts their hands and their arms because they are squeezing the bejeezus out of a pencil or crayon.

But kindergarten year as a whole? It's pretty cute.

Those true kindergarten moments -- when they are immersed in class art projects that bring to you as their masterpieces; when they use their sweet "kid spelling" as they try to write a story; when they show how insatiably curious they are by asking their teachers (and parents) question after question -- make me want to bottle up the energy and excitement of the kindergarten year and give it kids throughout the rest of their education.

Now, you know what you will remember from your child's first year in school: those magic moments (and, of course, those utterly disastrous can-this-be-done-already moments).

But what will your child remember from kindergarten? Rules, rhymes and randomness that he or she will use for school years to come. Our top five:

-One, two, three. From hand-clapping rhythms to simple rhymes, kindergarten teachers use a variety of "attention grabbers" with their students. Try this: Next time you need to get your little one's attention say, "One, two, three, eyes on me." Your kid's near-certain reply will be, "One, two, eyes on you." And they learned it in kindergarten.

-Don't ever miss a potty break. Kindergarteners quickly learn that recess is the time to use the potty. Don't ask to go during class time. Nope, not at snack time either. They use the bathroom when the teacher tells them it's time to use the bathroom....before and after recess.

-Don't share snacks! When it comes to food at school, here's one time your kids won't get it trouble for not sharing. A study published last year in Pediatrics indicated that 5.9 million children in the U.S. have food allergies (and nearly 40 percent of those kids have a history of severe allergic reactions to a food). While schools have varying policies to address food allergies of their students, kindergarteners are routinely instructed to not share snacks. And they don't forget it for fear of causing one of their classmates to get sick.

-Color in the lines. Le sigh. Do you cringe when you hear a five-year-old telling a friend his or her work is messy because the kid didn't color inside the lines? It's one phrase we wish we could banish from kindergarten classrooms. While the inability stay in the lines can point to potential fine motor and/or vision issues, we still think there's a better way to notice any red flags while encouraging artistic expression.

-Recess is the best. Favorite subject in school? Recess. Best part of the day? Recess. What do they love most about school? Recess.

What do you think your kindergartener will remember about the first year in school?What rules, rhymes and randomness do you remember from your kindergarten year?

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