Sweet Ideas for Valentine's Day

Movies and Books to Share

Surprising your kids with a Valentine's Day treat is one of the sweetest perks of parenthood. And while candy and cards are nice, nothing says "be mine" like spending time together. That's why we love these ideas for sharing a few laughs, a few lessons, and maybe a few tears of joy.

Our favorite books for story time teach preschoolers the real meaning behind Valentine's Day. Mary Engelbreit's adorable illustrations make Queen of Hearts a feast for the eyes, while the high-spirited kitty in Love, Splat will give kids lots of laughs.

Kids of all ages will sympathize with the romantic ups and downs that occupy the star-crossed characters of A Charlie Brown Valentine . And for kids under 8, our movie picks celebrating platonic affection -- Friendship Movies: Lovey Dovey Flicks Without the Mush -- are a fun way to honor St. Valentine.

Classic movies offer a perfect way to observe the romantic rituals of a bygone era. You'll find a mix of old-fashioned and modern picks for older kids on our recommended lists of Romantic Comedies , Love Story Movies for Teens and Tweens , and the Best High School Love Stories for Teens .