New Year’s Resolutions: Your Moon Sign Mojo!

Surely you're familiar with the usual advice offered when making New Year's Resolutions: setting realistic goals, taking baby steps and valuing each small and measurable result. You can also use the wisdom of astrology to aid yourself in contouring goals that reflect your own nature.

While the purposeful Sun is concerned with achieving New Year's resolutions, it is the Moon - your emotional center - that has the power to anchor them. By considering the emotional character of your Moon sign (determined by where the Moon lies in your birth chart), you can better understand your deepest needs and follow thorugh on your resolutions!

The Aries Moon is restless, excitable and seeks action. It bores in stagnation and wants the rush of feeling like the first sign of the zodiac that it is. This Moon will not sit well with stodgy or conservative goals that don't honor its thirst for adventure. The trick with this Moon sign is to keep it entertained by coming up with new and exciting ways to achieve mundane goals. If, for example, "losing 15 pounds by June" is one of your goals, then varying your routine and adding a competitive edge (kick boxing, tennis, triathlon training) to workouts is what will keep you in the game.

A person with a Taurus Moon needs consistency and security if they are expected to stand behind the ambitions of their Sun sign. Practical aims that build on established successes is what will keep the Bull pulling the money cart in 2010; fad diets or experimental marketing techniques will wither under the influence of this gentle plodder. A reward of having such a stubborn Moon sign is using it to your advantage by setting a goal that appeals to its taste for familiarity, routine and nourishment. As an earth sign, however, they must make sure to write down exactly what will come from their efforts. Material rewards always inspire a Taurus Moon!

Distractible and mentally dexterous Gemini Moons need goals that pique their curiosity and offer quick gratification. While The Twins love to multi-task, it may be better to instead focus on accomplishing one goal per month rather than starting out with a bunch. Conceptual or philosophical goals that deal in ideas and not specifics will not engage these giddy-eyed intellectuals for very long -- they need to make it a point to write out their goals and have specific outcomes in mind.

Cancer Moons are tender, sentimental types who will thrive in 2010 if they really can stick to setting realistic, measurable goals. Because it's so important for them to stay emotionally rooted, they should make resolutions that are heart-centered and don't overwhelm them so much so that they retreat. Since cultivating a home environment is so important to nurturing Cancer Moon energy, resolutions that have to do with home improvements -- from installing a fireplace to buying new drapes -- will reflect their inner needs and inspire their motivation.

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Leo Moons may want to consider the part of their nature that seeks validation and endeavors to share their gifts with others. Setting goals that garner attention in a positive way, such as resolving to showcase one's work for the enjoyment of others, will add an emotional incentive. When Leo Moon sets goals, they want to feel impressive and important at the end of the journey. While they want to keep goals reasonable enough to stick to, this Moon needs to constantly remind themselves of the incremental glory and prestige they'll experience along the way.

Virgo Moons are probably the ones who invented New Year's resolutions! Ever fastidious about self-improvement, Virgo Moons need to work on self-acceptance, and commit to a few of their broader visions. These practical types love getting entrenched in the details and may benefit from painting bolder strokes -- then supporting them with a specific plan of action. It would also be healing for anyone with this Moon to do charity work. Since they are acutely aware of their progress, it would feed their caring souls to take the attention off themselves and do what they do best: offer service from the kindness and humility of their hearts.

For Libra Moons, cultivating balanced and harmonious relationships powerfully influences their feelings of well-being. Though naturals at making connections with others, deepening existing bonds and considering their personal return on their investments with certain people will clear the path for an emotionally rewarding 2010. Libra (as well as Seventh House Moons) need rapport with -- and feedback from -- peers. They should sign up a resolution buddy, and make plans to check in on each other's goals on a weekly basis. Combining their love of social contact with the down-and-dirty work of achieving certain ends will be an effective coupling.

Scorpio Moons tend to make resolutions that force them to confront their greatest fears. Not interested in glossing over the truth, putting goals in bare and utterly honest language will incite these lunar types into action! Cementing a routine that allows for consistent emotional expression and physical energy will enable them to reach their peak in 2010. Scorpio Moons like to express their hidden reserves of strength, and rigorous athletic resolutions allow them to zero in on broader concerns.

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For enthusiastic Sagittarius Moons, no resolution is unrealistic. These folks are more likely to follow through with resolutions by anchoring a philosophy of life -- for example, losing weight for the sake of it will not enlist the support of a Sagittarius Moon. Adding a deeper layer of meaning and using their faith as a guiding star, these individuals will be undaunted by even the steepest climb.

Capricorn Moons feel best in positions that draw upon their impressive leadership abilities and personal strengths. While they adore being needed, these lunar types need to consider their emotional need for solitude and focused determination when considering which mountains to climb in 2010. They're probably more aware of the value of self-reliance than other Moons -- especially considering their emotional life. Setting goals that produce tangible results they can see, feel and touch is what these individuals should consider before making their resolutions.

Aquarius Moons will rebel if their resolutions feel like everyone else's. Those under this Moon would do well to link their self-serving goals with their broader place in the world. Aquarian Moons are clear thinkers and staunchly principled, and will not do well with superficial or petty aims. These folks are revolutionary thinkers and masters of seeing things from an original perspective. One or two visionary goals for the entire year would be better for an Aquarian Moon than trying to implement a daily and repetitive ritual.

Pisces Moons have incredible imaginations to dream up resolutions, but they also need incredible support systems to follow through. These support systems don't necessarily have to be people, though it would be a blessing to have a business-savvy Cancer or mountain-climbing Capricorn with whom they can check in once in a while. Pisces Moons' power of follow-through lies in harnessing their imagination daily, enabling them to feel and see the beautiful outcomes of their goals. In tapping into their imaginative strength, positive actions will follow, and these darlings will get a euphoric taste of real-world results that are sure to nurture out-of-this-world dreams.

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