10 Hilarious "Bad Parenting" Moments to Make You Feel Better About Yourself

Last month, I wrote a post telling the story of a mom who was the victim of some mom-on-mom shaming right in front of me. Right then, lots of bad parenting moments came flooding back to me; like the time I lost my daughter in Barnes and Noble when she was only 16-months-old and security had to block the doors until I found her. Or the time a dresser fell on top of Matilda when she was almost two because she climbed up on it to get into a drawer and someone hadn't secured it to the wall like the baby proof experts beg you to do. I knew I wasn't alone in making parenting mistakes or really just having things go wrong the way they do in life sometimes! We can't be on top of all things at all times, and sometimes no matter how much we try to prevent it, the shiz is just going to go sideways! In order to make us all feel better, I put out a call for bad parenting moments and got flooded with moms who couldn't wait to share their most embarrassing one with us! Thank you to all who were honest enough to let me post and please know that we are collectively nodding along with you and when we laugh it isn't at you … well, most of the time. -By Stefanie Wilder Taylor

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