10 Mommy Commandments

Parenting is a daunting experience. It's a medley of tasks, timetables, terrors, and triumphs. We all want to impart certain life lessons to our children. Whether it's how to vote, what sports team to cheer for, or what religion to practice, we teach our children our family values. We encourage our children to be independent thinkers, which means we take the risk that they just might vote Republican, cheer for Duke, and join a cult.

I have some lessons I want to ensure my sons take to heart and hopefully pass on to their own children. I call them my 10 Mommy Commandments.

  1. Don't mistake rhetoric for reason.

  2. Vote. In every single election, big or small.

  3. If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it. Unless of course it's something like Pissaladiere or Macher Jhol.

  4. Treat your pets like they're family.

  5. Aim. Flush. Wash.

  6. Working for the greater good is more important than upping your personal best.

  7. Laugh. It counts as exercise.

  8. If you sit on your laurels you'll get bed sores.

  9. Be kind, generous, grateful, and respectful.

  10. Use your money to experience the world, not to own it.

Of course commandment 11 goes without saying; call home and come home often, even if it's just to do your laundry and eat some homemade macher jhol.