11 inventions made by kids (some are things you use every day)

The toy truck turns 48. It was first patented by a 6-year-old.
The toy truck turns 48. It was first patented by a 6-year-old.-
Forty-eight years ago, a 6-year-old boy had an idea that changed the toy industry. Robert Patch rethought the standard model truck as an interactive toy that could be taken apart and rebuilt into several different models. His sketches, approved for patent June 4, 1963, became the template for the toy truck we know and love today. Pretty impressive for a 6-year-old. But he wasn't the first, or the last, underage inventor to make history. Kids have a way of problem-solving adult-issues in simple ways. Maybe it's their optimism, or their limited exposure to a cut-throat world. Maybe it's the fact that most aren't driven by money, but by actual ideas. Or maybe kids are just smarter than adults. Certainly, the kids behind some of the world's greatest inventions are. The following advances in technology, medicine, food and safety were all created by people who weren't even old enough to vote. They saw a problem in everyday life and they went ahead and fixed it. Prepare to feel mentally inadequate.