3 Tips to Relieve Heartburn During Pregnancy

If you're anything like me you spend most of your third trimester tasting food three hours after you eat it.

Anymore it feels like KID B is trying to escape through my esophagus, the heartburn is so bad.

My dog Milo spends half his time trying to get at my mouth. Once there he's snooting around, sniffing and snuffing, likely because he can smell the burrito I ate three hours ago.

If the antacids you're chewing like candy aren't doing much, here are three tips that may help relieve heartburn during pregnancy:

More on Babble: Bad Breath, Barfy Tastes, and Pregnancy-Related Gingivitis

1. Steer clear of fatty, spicy and deep fried food items because they appear to trigger relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, therefore increasing the chance for an individual to have heartburn acid reflux. Drinks like espresso, carbonated drinks, tea, citrus juices and chocolate flavored drinks may additionally aggravate heartburn.

2. Elevate the head of your bed. Pillows underneath the shoulders will work good for as long as your head and upper body are higher than your feet. This should stop the reflux of acid to the esophagus.

3. Consume frequent little meals throughout the day. Eating 3 big meals can solely predispose one to possess acid reflux heartburn. The last meal of the day should additionally be eaten two to three hours before bedtime. An empty stomach produces much less acid therefore reducing the likelihood of one to have heartburn.

To view more tips on relieving heartburn during pregnancy, visit Being Pregnant.

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