4 surprising ways moms use their smart phones

Can you imagine life without your smart phone? Well, you're not alone. Smart phones may be the biggest thing to happen to parenting since the pacifier. They're so brainy they can help you do everything from grocery shop to manage time-outs.

BabyCenter recently talked to more than 3,000 moms to find out just how their mobile devices are affecting their lives.

Here are a few savvy ways moms are putting their phones to work for them:

Picture this

That camera can do more than just capture special moments on the fly: Moms use their phone cameras as mobile shopping lists, as scrapbooks of decorating ideas, and even as a way to prove to the pediatrician that they're not crazy when their child's symptoms magically disappear at the doctor's office.

Ready, set, go!

The alarm and timer aren't just for taking naps and doing laps: You can easily manage time-outs and a game of "clean up your toys" with your smart phone counting down the minutes.

Clever calendar

Think outside the (date) boxes on your calendar: Have trouble remembering recurring tasks, like paying bills or replacing the baking soda box in the fridge? A quick entry into the calendar on your smartphone and you'll never have a smelly fridge or stinky credit again.

Notes to self

Moms have a million little details to keep track of each day. Downloading some of that data from your crowded brain into a notes app on your smart phone makes sense. Remembering your favorite hangout's business hours or the name of that book that your best friend said you just have to read is no longer your job - if you let your phone do the work.

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