5 Crazy Facts about Birth in the United States

Most people don't know, but there are over 4 million babies being born on average in the United States annually ...

at least as of 2007. That's a lot of babies, hospital beds, and statistics to look over and analyze.

In the past couple weeks, I have been looking through all the statistics and information and picking out what I find most interesting or unique. Some are shocking, some aren't … some are fascinating, and some of you may know these already, but all are true!

1. The most popular day of the week for babies to be born is Wednesday, although it used to be Tuesday. Not surprising for me because my oldest son was born by C-section after a scheduled induction on Tuesday The least likely day for a baby to be born on is Sunday.

2. The state of Utah has the highest birth rate in the country averaging 21 babies per 1,000 people.

Related: Babies are born without kneecaps? More surprising things you don't know about birth

3. More teens are having babies … The teen birth rate has increased 3% on 2006 and has continued to steadily increase since. This was after a 45% decrease from 1990 to 2005.

4. Fewer women are getting proper prenatal care. From 1990 to 2003 the number of women who got proper prenatal care increased annually, and remained steady. In 2006 the number started to decline. There is a lot of speculation as to why this happened, but many believe the changes in the economy, and lack of access to insurance coverage is one of the biggest factors.

5. 13.2% of mothers smoked during pregnancy in 2006. Despite recommendations that mothers do not smoke because of the risks to their unborn baby, which now include serious heart defects.

For more facts you probably didn't know about birth in the United States, visit Babble.


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