5 Ways to Help Your Kids Gain Confidence

Source: 5 Ways to Help Your Kids Gain Confidence

Self-confidence comes from within, but as a parent, there are several tiny steps you can take to help your children feel good about themselves. By focusing on everyday achievements and offering your kids a sense of independence, you can bolster their confidence in small ways and see a huge payoff. Hoping to strengthen your child's self-esteem? Check out five simple ways to help them gain confidence.

  1. Give out gold stars. You don't literally need to give out gold stars, although it couldn't hurt. When your child earns a high grade or gets recognized by a coach, reward him with something small to motivate him to keep up the good work. Let him stay up a bit later or choose the film for family movie night.

  2. Acknowledge both shortcomings and successes. If you high-five your kids for absolutely everything they do, your praise will seem empty and lose its meaning. Don't be afraid to talk about their mistakes and label them as such - it's OK for your kids to do something wrong, and it's OK to acknowledge that they aren't perfect. Let your kids know that every slipup is a learning opportunity.

  3. Point out the little victories, too. One of the best way for kids to improve their self-esteem is through small everyday achievements, so do your best to acknowledge them. If only the biggest triumphs are recognized, it'll be harder for kids to maintain a consistently high level of confidence.

  4. Practice self-assurance. Set a positive example by showing your own confidence on a regular basis. Don't share your insecurities with your kids, whether it's about your weight or your work performance. They'll be extra motivated to stand tall if they have an enthusiastic role model to emulate.

  5. Focus on empowerment. Give your kids a sense of independence so they feel better about themselves. It may seem small, but letting them pick out their own clothes, choose which books to read, or decide what's for dinner every once in a while can do wonders for their confidence.

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