Are Today's Moms "The Lucky Ones"?

I know a few ladies from the old school who were young mothers in the 1960's. I love these ladies to bits but I have to admit that I'm getting pretty tired of hearing how easy I have it.

They have told me time and time again how they only had cloth diapers and had to boil their baby bottles. I have heard how their kids survived childhood diseases ours are now vaccinated against and how "lucky" I am.

It's not luck, it's called progress.

Our society is are getting smarter and progressing all the time. In 50 years, parents will have mind control over their kids and I will think they are lucky.

The pressures and demands facing the modern Mommy Friend are wildly different than those of yesteryear. We cook, clean, mother, some maintain amazing careers, manage the logistics of entire families and look good doing it. Is it easy? Nope. Do we resent the challenge? Probably sometimes. But we do it. We do it everyday.

I refuse to feel indebted to the disposable diaper for any measure of personal success.

And really, if the miraculous disposable diaper had never been invented, I'd still find time to wash out that poopy diaper because I would have to. Just like anything else.

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