Astrology: A First-Aid Kit for Family Feuds!

With everyone home for the summer, are family squabbles bringing down the house more often than you'd like? Learn how you can transform old patterns by recognizing your Sun sign's tendencies and bad habits -- and get back on the road to family happiness!

Your first impulse in any kind of situation is to take action. Sometimes this is the perfect course ... but at other times, not so much. During your next family quibble, try the wait-and-see approach for a change -- perhaps you'll get better results.

Since change isn't necessarily easy for you, you'd rather things just continue the way they always have. But the next time conflict rears its ugly head at home, practice a bit of flexibility instead of your usual stubbornness!

Communication is a wonderful thing, and everyone knows you're quite good at it. But what would happen if, during your next family feud, you simply remained silent and let others do the talking?

It can be particularly difficult for you when family conflicts arise, as your caring nature wants to make it all better. But why not try to let someone else play the role of peacekeeper when the next conflict arises? It may allow for a new perspective to emerge.

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Being the star of the show can get tiring -- especially when the show is called Family Fights! Step outside your dominant role the next time problems arise. Listen and observe, rather than engage in all the action.

It's in your nature to want to make sure everyone around you is happy. However, when the next disagreement breaks out at home, try stepping out of your fix-it role and focus on yourself instead as you let someone else try to solve the problem.

Your sign tends to be the caretaker of the family. Keeping that in mind, think of yourself first the next time a family problem arises. What do you need, want and feel? Be sure to let everyone else know exactly where you stand.

You can sulk over family problems, but it still won't change anything. Your road to emotional freedom rests in letting go of old hurts. Try it -- you'll feel much better after the next family argument.

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If you could actually sit still long enough to listen to a family squabble, you'd probably make some progress. Share the responsibility that family togetherness demands by getting involved in the next conflict long enough to weigh in with your thoughts.

When conflict bubbles up at home, you're usually more focused on simply keeping things stable than on the emotions of all parties

involved. But deep down, you know that feelings are important, so pay attention to your own emotions. Then, when you're ready to do so, communicate your feelings.

You'd rather negotiate a community conflict than a family argument, but it's time to bring
home the intense feelings you have for your community. This way, your family will realize just how much you care.

Your intuition is strong and you hate to see anyone around you suffer, so you may subtly try to solve family conflicts even before they arise. Try not to take on too much responsibility for others; instead, create a soothing environment for yourself.

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