Use Astrology to Help Plan the Ideal Family Vacation!

You're a Taurus with a Libra partner, an Aries daughter, and a Scorpio son. How do you plan to keep everyone happy during your late-summer vacation? Since they'll all want something different out of the trip, you're going to have to put your astrological thinking cap on!

The excitable signs -- Aries, Sagittarius, and Gemini -- want to travel to exotic places and experience high-speed adventure that takes them away from humdrum reality. They're not good at lounging around the pool or catching up on their reading; they need action.

The holiday explorers are Aquarius -- who, despite a love of state-of-the-art gadgetry, also has an interest in archaeology and all things historic -- and, oddly enough, Pisces, who loves roaming off the beaten path. These signs may not appreciate too much rough living, but their souls yearn for wide-open spaces.

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The home-comforts brigade, Taurus and Cancer, won't be happy once dragged away from their everyday familiarity ... unless it's replaced by much of the same. Taurus isn't that keen on travel at all since they much prefer where they are, so you'll have to persuade them with treats. Cancer does possess more get-up-and-go, but is still prone to getting bent out of shape away from home.

The upscale vacationers are Leo, Libra, and, to some degree, Capricorn. They require five- (if not seven-) star accommodations and a hip crowd to really make them happy. No trudging up muddy trails to see the view, or too many hours spent visiting overrun tourist sights!

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Virgo likes to be constantly busy, so a lazy holiday won't suit them at all. They need projects and guidebooks -- anything to help expand their minds.

Finally, Scorpio has very definite preferences about where they want to go, what they want to do, and with whom they'll mix. Anything from deep-sea fishing to learning the ways of flamenco dancing might catch their fancy ... but they may not tell you until it's too late. As a result, you'll have to second-guess them in advance.

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