Should I Become a "Tiger Parent"?

By Amy Chua | genConnect

It's back-to-school time, which means time for kids to hit the books, do their homework, stay focused, and hone their attention and discipline skills. Looking for ways to help them do just that?

Try a little "Tiger parenting," says
Amy Chua, self-proclaimed "Tiger mom" and author ofBattle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.

The controversial strict parenting style is rooted in "Chinese values" of excellence and often conflicts with the more lax "Western" style of parenting.
Tiger parenting isn't something to be feared, Chua says. Here are her tips to become a Westernized Tiger Parent:

1. Assume strength, rather than fragility or weakness in your children.

2. Express love. "You can be really really tough, but you've got to listen and adjust and let them know that you're not doing it for yourself, that you are doing it for them," Chua said.

3. Pay attention to the individual personalities of your children.

Watch our interview with the tiger mom herself for more...

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About the author:
Amy Chua is the John M. Duff Professor of Law at Yale Law School. She is also the author of parenting memoir,
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Learn more about herhere.