5 Ways to Entertain Baby that Don't Cost a Thing

Free things to do with Baby
Free things to do with Baby

Parenting is full-time work, of this we know. Which makes the invention of brilliant gadgets and toys to help aid us along the way truly wonderful. In this day of big brands and technology it can become easy to forget how simple it can be to entertain and play with our babies.

Bonding can happen in a multitude of ways and I've compiled the top 5 free things you can do with your baby at home or on the fly in your everyday…

1. Story-Time
Oh the reading. SO important. They may not always be into it and that wooden bracelet (or whatever other shiny-like object), may be infinitely more amazing than Good Night Moon. Making reading a regular part of your routine will turn them into little bookworms in the end, there's no doubt. I'm chalking this up as a freebie, because my friends - there's this lovely place we know as the library. Go out and support one if don't already do so, it is National Book Month after all! (You'll fall in love with them all over again).

Related: 10 ways to turn your baby into a book-lover

2. Sing, Talk & Dance
These babies, they love it I tell you. No toy comes even close to being in your company. Add singing songs and dancing? Or just talking to them? Their idea of the best time ever. Probably yours too. Sing to your babies when they are tiny and sing with them, encouraging them to do it on their own when they are big enough.

3. You Do What You Can: Breastfeeding or Bottlefeeding
I'm not here to tell you that breastfeeding is the BEST and only way to ultimately bond with your baby. I do believe that breast is best when it comes to quality of sustenance, but I also know that not all can do it, or do it for as long as they can. Myself included. I bonded beautifully with my babies during bottle feeds, as did my partner. Use this quiet time to smile at and touch your baby. Sing softly to them and murmur sweet stories you've made up into their ear.

Related: 5 things I wish I knew before becoming a mom

4. Bath-time & Baby Massage
Early on, bath-time is a fascinating experience for wee ones, although not all will like it. Most though, they turn into absolutely adoring it. Both of mine were lovers of the bath from the start. It's a great way to engage in some sensory play with the water, to splash and generally have a grand old time being naked in the tub. Use kitchen cups, spouts, random tupperware and sifters for added appeal.

5. Face-time
This one is a biggie. During the newborn stage, your newborn will be MOST enraptured with your face. It's all they really need. Save the gadgetry for when you need a break, need to toss a load in or have some work to do. As your baby gets older, their fascination will turn into touching and feeling your face (yes, sometimes poking and grabbing) and beaming with joy whenever your face is close. Kiss, love, nose nuzzle and cheek graze with them to no end. It never gets old.

- By Selena Burgess
Follow Selena on Disney Baby

For 10 great toys to build your baby's fine motor skills, visit Disney Baby!

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