Bye-bye, Tiger Mom. Hello, Eagle Mom!

As spring tries to get started around the country, BabyCenter decided to look more seriously at the major mommy brouhaha of the dark days of January: Tiger Mom.

Specifically, we wanted to know whether or not we should feel guilty for not raising our kids like Amy Chua's. Are we missing the boat? Turns out the answer is no. "Tiger Mom" Chua isn't at the fore of some grand, sweeping discipline-mommy revolution.

The masses - and we reached out to a portion of the BabyCenter global audience to survey 1,400-plus moms in China and 1,200-plus mothers in America about their parenting dreams and realities - associate themselves with a different creature: the Eagle.

Roughly 75 percent of U.S. and 63 percent of Chinese mothers said they aspire to be Eagle Moms because they want to "teach [their] children how to fly and then let her/him fly freely."

Tiger Mom ("stern and restrictive") was way down the list, finishing behind Kangaroo ("super protecting, do everything for your child") and Lion ("force child to be totally independent once he/she becomes an adult") - and only ahead of Ostrich ("give child free rein").

BabyCenter's exclusive survey also asked moms about one of the Tiger Mom's most controversial parenting strategies: shaming.

Both nations' moms emphatically said that guilt-tripping your kids "to learn or perform at a higher level" was a no-no. Specifically, 89 percent of U.S. and 77 percent of Chinese mothers were against the practice, and both were against pushing extracurricular activities like music that a child didn't want to do.

So while Tiger Mom might have created a lot of headlines, it sounds like this parenting style just had its 15 minutes.

For more results from BabyCenter's survey and the rise of the Eagle Mom, read "Tiger Mom out, Eagle Mom in" on BabyCenter's blog, Momformation.