Web Cams Come to the NICU

By Sasha Emmons
For parents with babies in
the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, it can be gut-wrenching to leave your child behind when you check out of the hospital after birth. Long distances, recovery from a C-section, restrictive visiting hours or simply caring for older children can make it hard to be near your baby's side as much as you like. But some hospitals are trying an innovative approach to helping parents stay connected: web cams.

Plus: Best Web Cams for Families

According to the Huffington Post, eight U.S. hospitals have already installed the cams over incubators and cribs, and several dozen more are testing it out. Parents (and grandparents) can log in any time they want for a peek at their babe. Some systems go both ways, so parents can talk or sing to their babies, which could help with bonding. Nurses sometimes place notes on the screen letting parents know the latest strides their baby is making.

Did you have a baby in the NICU? Would you have liked a way to check on them any time you wanted to?

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