Fabulous or Frightening: Elizabeth Adeney Preggo at 66-Years-Old

It's not even necessary to go into a lot of details about this breaking news story. Elizabeth Adeney is pregnant at 66-years-old. She now wears the crown for being the oldest pregnant woman in England's history. Yeah, that's a long time folks. Confused by all the buzz about her situation, Adeney replies, "I'm just a pregnant lady." Really? Hmmm, let's think about that.

I, MommyQ, am in my mid-30s with two small children under the age of five. After a day with my spirited, funny, active, goofy, demanding, jumping, leaping, walking, running, throwing, tossing, eating, napping, griping, giggling, smiling, frowning kiddos, I'm exhausted - both physically and emotionally. Again, I'm in my mid-30s. Based on nothing personal about the woman - just math - I think this is a sadly selfish, unethical situation.

When her child is an active toddler, she will be approaching 70-years-old. When her child is ten-years-old, she will be getting close to 80-years-old. It's simple mathematics. Just because one can do something, doesn't mean one should. In my silly little opinion, this is completely unfair to the child. I cannot imagine being 30 years older than I am and attempting to raise a newborn. It's too absurd to even consider.

Adeney might be the best, most loving parent in the world, but the odds are not in her favor to be around for her child's life. Not to mention, the ew factor is pretty high too. (Having a baby at 66? Ew.)

What do you think MommyQ readers? Is she just another pregnant lady?