Free Thanksgiving coloring pages and crafts for kids

Here are some wonderful Thanksgiving coloring pages and crafts for kids. Bright red, orange, and sunny yellow colors just wait for little hands to show their beauty.


Don't forget to save their artwork for a beautiful display next year!

Corn Collage

To make this you will need the following:

  • yellow and green construction paper

  • popcorn kernels

  • glue

  • scissors

  1. Cut a corn cob oval shape out of the yellow paper.

  2. Cut a few leaf shapes out of the green paper.

  3. Using glue, attach popcorn kernels to the yellow paper.

  4. When dry, attach the leaves.

This activity will keep little hands busy for quite awhile. Make sure to tell the child to place the kernels as close together as possible. If you want to display on the fridge, attach a magnetic strip to the back of the corn collage.

Hanging Paper Chain

To make this you will need the following:

  • orange, yellow, red, green or brown construction paper

  • glue

  • markers

  1. Cut 2 inch x 8 inch strips out of the paper.

  2. Have your child write one thing they are thankful for on each strip.

  3. Glue ends together to make a paper chain.

  4. Hang on mantel, potted plants, doorways, even across the ceiling!

Free list of Thanksgiving coloring pages.

Thanksgiving lunchbag luminaria

Pinecone Turkeys (with video)
