Getting Schooled in Gift Giving

Our friend Shelley has been teaching grade school for years. And while she loves her job, as we all know, a teacher's pay isn't exactly a king's ransom. Traditionally, for the winter holidays, the parents would give Shelley and the other teachers gifts - many of which were in the form of gift cards or cash - and were greatly appreciated - particularly around holiday shopping time!

Well, this year the school decided to make a change. Because some parents were concerned that teachers' favoritism might be "bought" via monetary holiday gifts, this year the school forbade parents from giving money, and told them they could only give actual gifts with a dollar value of maximum $10. Not to sound ungrateful, but besides the fact the Shelley has more note cards and scented candles than she knows what to do with, she was really counting on the extra cash she usually got at holiday time.

Was it the right call for the school to equalize the parental gift giving playing field, or should parents be free to give whatever they like to teachers at holiday time? Tell us what you think!