Gwen bleaches Kingston's hair: Do you think it's OK to dye a child's hair?

Pacific Coast News via Perez Hilton
Pacific Coast News via Perez Hilton

Gwen Stefani is back with her old band, No Doubt, and has upgraded her solo glamorous look for a more punky, rock image. She also took her son Kingston along for the ride, shaving the sides of his head and bleaching/spiking his hair.

Personally, I think it looks cute, but I do know some moms who may disapprove. I think if the child is old enough to voice an opinion, it's really fine. When I was back in high school I was dyeing my hair pink with Manic Panic and my younger brother asked me to dye his hair blue, and later on to bleach it. With the OK of my parents, I happily helped with the dyeing process, and he was the star of his class. Though our private school administration was less than thrilled, there was no rule against it, and pretty soon more and more kids began dyeing their own hair. I think little Kingston is becoming quite the trendsetter too.

Do you think it's OK for your children to dye their hair? Would you ever dye their hair or give them a dramatic cut before they were old enough to voice an opinion? [Perez]