Health Controversy: Kate Hudson Photographed Drinking Wine While Pregnant

By Sarah Jio, Glamour magazine

Kate Hudson, and her adorable baby bump, was snapped recently having a sip of red wine at a restaurant. Yes, it fired some folks up. What's your response?

Mom-to-be Kate Hudson is gorgeous, glowing and ... buzzed? Well, probably not, but a recent photo that surfaced of her sipping what looks like wine at a restaurant in Argentina has tongue's wagging. After all, don't doctor's discourage against drinking during pregnancy? Should Kate be chastised for her choice to drink wine?

MSNBC reports: "The experts at BabyCenter say abstinence is the only way to go: 'No one knows exactly what harmful effects even the smallest amount of alcohol has on a developing baby.' (The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists agrees.)"

But, before you call the pregnancy police, remember there's a whole contingent of folks who follow the European thinking that a glass of wine now and then during pregnancy is A-OK, and there was even that recent study indicating that light to moderate drinking during pregnancy didn't affect the health of the baby. Still, these veiwpoints are very controversial.

From a personal standpoint, I've always refrained from wine during pregnancy, except at the very end, when I'd let myself have one teensy sip now and then (so sue me!).

What is your stance on alcohol and pregnancy?

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Photo Credit: WWD