Holiday Etiquette For Kids . . . Parents Give Their Opinions!

Holidays have gone to the kids - and they should, right? From tots popping out of their seats during meals to wee ones eager to rip open their presents, the festive time of year can be a bit draining on parents. We asked moms what is appropriate (and realistic!) in their homes when it comes to dressing up and saying thank you. Here is what they had to say!

  • Wondering what's in the big box can drive a child wild, so 82 percent of mamas let their children open their gifts before the adults do.

  • When adults sit down to dinner, they tend to lounge a lot longer than lil ones. Since children like to eat and retreat, 90 percent of mothers excuse their tots from the table and continue with their meal and conversation.

  • Dressing to the nines isn't always the most comfy option for kids! Many a dapper lil guy has fought the shirt and tie in favor of more practical clothes, but 83 percent of mums say kids should dress their best.

  • It's tough for a tot to sit still in church! When it comes to holiday worship, 50 percent of moms take their kiddos to adult services.

  • Small hands aren't very fast at writing thank-you notes, but kids sure like chatting on the phone. Sixty percent of mothers allow their children to call and express their thanks in lieu of penning them on paper.

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