How do parents find time to Twitter?

It sounds so risque, "Do you Twitter?" But I found myself knee-deep in a discussion about about all things Twitter last week while out with some of my blog mama friends .

I created an account when the site first started but never really used it. I have a personal blog and work full time. How would I find the time to tweet? I can only multi-task so much before my head spins. And why would I even want to Twitter?

I posed these questions to some mom bloggers. The answers were only a, ahem, Twitter away.

Danielle from Foodmomiac says, "Twitter is easier than blogging. I love the instant feedback. So easy to find time b/c I do it from my Blackberry usually!" Erika from Plain Jane Mom likes the socializing aspect saying it's "a 24x7 party and I can drop in and out whenever I have the time." And Veronique from Little Elephants says that since she works full time, Twitter helps her feel in the "blog loop."

I have to admit that after getting on the site this week, I found myself wanting to chime in often. And it's like online crack. You have to work hard to stay away. (And there are some moms who are trying).

Are you a parent who twitters? How do you find the time and why are you using it?